Non-Proliferation of Cyber Weapons
One Step at a Time
Papers are invited for the first volume of the Institute's Series on Cyber Arms Control.
Your chapter will address any of the following issues:
International Organization.
The role of the United Nations and other international organizations in cyber arms control.
Law of War.
How the rules and laws of war are changing with the proliferation of cyber weapons.
Arms Control Theory.
The theories of arms control and their possible application to control of cyber weapons.
Social Network Theory.
Application of social network theory to understanding the interaction of state and non-state actors within the context of the proliferation of cyber weapons.
Comparative Politics.
Comparisons of the legal regimes in different nation states in the area of cyber security and the use of offensive or defense cyber weapons.
Acceptance Process.
Incoming papers will be revised by the Editorial Director and Director of Scientific Intelligence. Those papers approved will be submitted to the Board of Directors for final approval.
Turn-Around Time.
The target turn-around time for review of incoming chapter proposals is 15 business days.
Acceptance Number.
We will publish 25 papers in the first volume of the series.
Outline Submission Date.
A 300 work abstract of your proposed paper along with a brief outline will be accepted between June 1, 2020 -- July 15th, 2020.
Paper Submission Date.
Your completed chapter is due October 1, 2020.
Publication Date.
The book will be published January 15, 2021.
Contact for Submission
Director of Scientific Intelligence
Institute for Cyber Arms Control
100 Pine Street
Suite 1250
San Francisco, CA 94111
Email: dsi@cyberarmscontrol.org
Tel: +01 (646) 389-1382.